Glen Roy National Nature Reserve
The Parallel Roads of Glen Roy are an impressive sight, slicing through the landscape like a forgotten engineering project. Below them runs the River Roy, flanked by narrow strips of woodland where buzzards circle in the sky. Their distinctive form has long puzzled scientists but now you can appreciate these incredible natural forces for yourself. Red deer, ravens and even golden eagles inhabit this area along with native birch and oak woodlands teeming with spring flowers. There is a car park nearby as well as viewpoint complete with interpretive panel to further enhance your experience here at Glen Roy National Nature Reserve which is managed by NatureScot. To reach it take A82 northeast from Fort William towards Spean Bridge then onto A86 to Roy Bridge (13 miles). From there turn left onto minor road for 4 miles or if travelling by public transport get off at nearest bus stop in Roy Bridge (4 miles) however note that no pavement on said road so large coaches not advised; closest train station being also located inRoyBridge(4milesfromtheReserveontheFortWilliam/Mallaig-Glasgowline). Alternatively those arriving on foot can leave West Highland Way from its Fort William terminal (13 miles away) or follow Great Glen Way heading towardsSpeanBridgefromFortWilliamGairlochyorSouthLaggan .Bikehireisavailableinbothlocationsifrequired
Glen Roy National Nature Reserve Location
The address for Glen Roy National Nature Reserve we have is: Scotland , United Kingdom. Use the map below for a closer view.
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We have done our best to ensure that the details about Glen Roy National Nature Reserve are correct at the time of publishing. But do be aware that things change over time and we’re also human. We do not provide all the content in our web listings. Much of it comes from third-parties. Consequently, we cannot be held responsible for any errors or misrepresentations in these listings. Please note that the information presented here is solely for informational purposes and does not constitute an endorsement by us.